Russ has been published, exhibited and awarded through-out the years of being a photographer, from being the winner of the first ever live music photographer of the year in NME magazine to being published in smaller indie magazines. He has kept a steady flow of achievements, but his ultimate ambition in the publishing world would probably be to have solo books and exhibits, and of course to do some editorials for the big hitters. While he appreciates the opportunities he's had to win awards and such, he says this: "in any given competition/publication/exhibit, you could change the handful of judges and get different results, I don't place too much weight on them really, the judges are just like you and I, but it's fun to be a part these opportunities, and it gives you that CV fodder line that everyone loves to hear of 'published, exhibited and awarded'". Outside of being trusted as an editorial creative for a major player in print, he'd love to do something along the lines of BTS (behind the scenes) stills of movies and the like. As you can imagine from having a blasé attitude towards any achievement (as he believes the biggest one should always be yet to come), included below are just some of his exhibit, publications and wins that he could remember to lay his hands on. There are notable certs and exhibits missing, such as that alongside Wex photographic and the like, but if you click on the images, they will divulge a little more detail. A favourite, however, is being that in India alongside Chiiz magazine where all the exhibitors raised awareness and had a donation on their behalf towards Pinkishe to help tackle period poverty.